How Do I Know If I Hit a Weight Loss Plateau and Solutions to Overcome It
If you're losing weight and have reached a plateau , there are several things you can do to overcome this setback. You can change your exercise routine and your diet to make your body more efficient at burning fat. Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week, and gradually increase your workout intensity and duration. Also, consider adding strength training to your workouts. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat, so strengthening your body's muscles will help you overcome your plateau and continue losing weight. Identifying a weight loss plateau One of the most frustrating aspects of losing weight is hitting a weight loss plateau. Rather than allowing yourself to give up, try identifying the cause and solutions to overcome it. You may be missing something, like exercising more or adjusting your diet. If you're not sure what's going wrong, you should consider seeking professional help. Weight loss plateaus can happen for a variety of reasons...