How to Get Rid of Chest Fat
How to Get Rid of Chest Fat
How to get rid of chest fat is a question asked by many men. Men want to look their best and keep their chest healthy. If you have chest fat it can make you look older than you really are. It also effects your self esteem. Learning how to burn chest fat will help you feel better about yourself.
What causes gynecomastia and why is it such a stubborn problem? Gynecomastia is actually just swelling of your breast tissue. The tissue is primarily found in the outer areas of your breast, but as you get older, fatty tissue can become lodged in your chest cavity. This excess body fat is what causes the hormonal changes that are characteristic of gynecomastia.
Your doctor may recommend treatments for gynecomastia such as radiation therapy or removal of lymph nodes in order to reduce the hormonal changes that lead to the development of gynecomastia. These treatments are considered cosmetic. However, you can learn how to lose chest fat without these drastic measures by undertaking simple, effective exercises that strengthen your chest muscles and tone your stomach.
Some of the most common exercises for gynecomastia include push ups. When doing pushups, keep your chest muscles contracted. As your push ups increase in difficulty, contract your chest muscles more. To build stamina and endurance, do as many pushups as you can with good form.
Another effective exercise is the bench press. If you have yet to do a chest workout, the bench press is a good way to add muscle to your chest area. To perform this exercise, position yourself with a flat bench. Place a barbell on the bench as well as two dumbbells. Keep your arms straight and raise the dumbbells to your shoulders until they are approximately chest level.
Your diet plays an important role in both burning fat and building muscle. Since the main cause of gynecomastia is a lack of estrogen in your body, you must ensure that you eat a diet that is high in natural estrogen-like substances. Some foods that are particularly rich in phytoestrogens are: soy, almonds, walnuts, canola oil, soy milk, red clover and wild oats. You should eat lots of green vegetables and fruits as well as eggs, soy-based products and nonfat dairy products. In addition to the foods mentioned, it is also important to include plenty of fish, poultry and lean meats in your diet.
As previously mentioned, exercising plays a big role in burning fat, especially when combined with a healthy diet. The suggested reading for cardio exercises is to do a steady paced workout five to six times per week. There are also specific exercises that target the chest area, including overhead press, flyes, dips, bench press and military press. The suggested reading for strength exercises is to do five to eight reps of each of the following exercises: dead lifts, chin ups, pull downs, single-legged squats, bent over rows and pull ups.
The last piece of how to get rid of chest fat advice we will discuss here is how to incorporate these exercises with a regular cardio workout. The recommended exercise plan for this part of your plan is to do three sets of twenty-five to fifty repetitions with one-minute intervals between the sets. For example, if you start out your chest workout by doing four sets of twelve reps of bench press, you would then move on to do four sets of fifteen reps of bench press before finishing up the final set with twelve reps of chin ups. This is a great way to increase both your muscle mass and your pushups strength.
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