How to Lose Weight in Your Neck
Learning how to lose weight in your neck is one of the most difficult areas to lose weight . This is due to the fact that the muscles and connective tissues in your neck are difficult to target and exercise because they are not easily visible. Most people who are interested in how to lose weight in your neck focus on exercises that work the larger muscles in your legs and abdomen. They often do exercises that also work the smaller muscles in the neck which are buried under the skin and in the soft tissues. This article will explain some of the best exercises to lose neck fat . One of the first exercises to lose weight in your neck that most people concentrate on is the one arm dumbbell snatch. This is a very effective exercise that many people are able to do with just their hands. It uses both the upper and lower body to carry out the lift motion which will cause you to lose weight in your neck and upper back region. This exercise is done by lifting the dumbbells overhead then br...